Play Now


October 28, 2023 at 8:00 am

Started Halloween Event

collect Nectar for growing pumpkins

  • smash your adult pumpkins using transformation and get reward
  • Transformation weapon can be exchanged at the Scarecrow in Giran and Aden
  • you can also buy seeds from him, for growing
  • event will be active until 20.11.2023

Have Fun !

We will be happy to answer all your questions on our server Discord.

Attractive medal collecting event on Dark Dragon server

July 15, 2023 at 9:00 am

Please meet …

cats Roy and Winnie have lost their medals all over the wide world and are offering great prices for finding them.

Heavy Medal Event on Dark Dragon Lineage 2 server

Winnie collects gold coins and in exchange allows you to reach better rewards.

However, this is a bit of a game … You have a 30% chance of winning the next level.

Roy will trade you bronze medals for bargain items, liquors and special crystals.

If you reach the highest level, you will be offered the following rewards:

You have time to search and collect medals until 12.08.2023, when it will be replaced by another, equally interesting event.

I wish you good luck and great fun on our great server.

Dark Dragon first year celebration

Update & News Dark Dragon Lineage 2 High Five server

June 22, 2023 at 6:16 pm

Letní / summer Update

🥳 Vážení hráči, přátelé, 🥳

spustili jsme velký, letní balíček zajímavých úprav a doplňků, které jsou Vám, hráčům ku prospěchu. Zároveň jsme nasadili nové bonusové předměty pro nově přicházející hráče.

1. nově příchozí obdrží při vytvoření postavy

  • 5x Rune of Experience Points 50% 7-Day Pack
  • Puffy Hat of Friendship
  • Friendship collection, která obsahuje brnění a zbraně Top A grade na dobu 90 dní

2. spuštění Aukce herních předmětů

  • Improved Weapons (no grade) +15
  • Life Stones High, Top 80+
  • Soul Crystals level 14 – 16
  • Forgotten Scrolls level 81 + 82
  • Hair Accessories
  • General items, potions
  • High Grade S84 Weapons
  • Dragon Totems
  • Dark Dragon Books high level

3. omezení level enchantu zbraní, brnění a dalších obleků na Olympijských hrách

4. Dragon Buffs nyní není možné používat na Olympijských hrách

5. zvýšená odměna za hlasování na podporu propagace serveru

  • 50% šance na Rune of Experience Points 50% 10 hours pack
  • 280 DCoins denně

6. přidání hradu pro Castle Siege

  • Innadril

7. Solo RB změna statů a zvýšení šance na drop důležitých itemů

Nejsme P2W server !

🥳 Dear players, friends, 🥳

we have launched a summer package of interesting modifications and add-ons to benefit you, the players. At the same time, we’ve launched new bonus items for new players.

1. newcomers will receive upon character creation

  • 5x Rune of Experience Points 50% 7-Day Pack
  • Puffy Hat of Friendship
  • Friendship collection that includes Top A grade armor and weapons for 90 days

2. launch of the Game Item Auction

  • launch of the Game Item Auction
  • Life Stones High, Top 80+
  • Soul Crystals level 14 – 16
  • Forgotten scrolls of level 81 + 82
  • Hair Accessories
  • General items, potions
  • High level weapons S84
  • Dragon Totems
  • High level Dark Dragon books

3. restrictions on the enchant level of weapons, armor and other equipment at the Olympic Games

4. Dragon Buffs cannot be used in the Olympics now

5. increased reward for voting to promote our server

  • 50% chance of Rune of Experience Points 50% 10 hours pack
  • up to 280 DCoins per day

6. adding a Castle for Castle Sieges

  • Innadril

7. Solo RB Stats change and increase the chance to drop important items

We are NOT P2W server!

Enjoy !

Seven Signs, Secret Ritual of the Priests

May 24, 2023 at 8:45 pm

7 Signs Saga - Part 4

Happy Easter

April 10, 2023 at 10:04 am

Jako drobné sváteční vylepšovátko, budou Leaders Totem ve městech Giran a Aden po celý dnešní den a budou rozdávat posilující kouzla.
As a little holiday enhancement, Totem Leaders will be in the cities of Giran and Aden throughout today, casting empowering spells.

Večer obdrží každá online postava drobnou koledu.
In the evening, each online character will receive a small carol.

Užívejte si zábavu na našem skvělém serveru !
Enjoy the fun on our great server!
